Friday, December 9, 2011

The 1960s: Lessons for Today By Tom Trottier

In Defence of Marxism
  Thursday, 8 December 2011 About us     Contact us     Join us  

By Tom Trottier

The 1960s: Lessons for TodayThe Occupy movement has many people looking to past movements to see what we can learn from them that can help us in today's struggles.  The period of the 1960s and early 1970s was one of upheaval around the world: May 1968, the Tet Offensive, the revolution in Pakistan, etc. The USA was not exempt from these powerful social movements. In the 1950s, the movement to end Jim Crow segregation helped to spur on movements against the U.S. imperialist war on Vietnam, large strike movements by the working class, and the movements for equal rights for women and the LGBT community.

By Martin Sweeney (Fightback Belfast)

While between 2 and 3 million struck in Britain, in the North of Ireland about 200,000 people took part in the Public Sector  strike action on 30th November. Schools and civil service offices were shut, as were job centres and council services. Rail and bus services were non-existent. Union members held marches, pickets, and rallies throughout the country over the issue of pensions. The main rally took place in Belfast city centre, where around 15,000 gathered and several thousands spread over Craigavon, Omagh, Armagh, Ballymena, Derry and other towns.

By Lucha de Clases

La victoria electoral del 20 de noviembre del PP quedó ensombrecida por la pertinaz crisis de la Unión Europea, que apenas será paliada por los efectos de la Cumbre Europea del 9 de diciembre.


By Alan Woods

Em 21 de março de 1919, a República Soviética Húngara foi proclamada. Em 1º de agosto, 133 dias após, este heróico capítulo da história da classe trabalhadora húngara foi encerrado com a entrada do Exército Branco romeno em Budapeste. Fosse o proletariado húngaro bem sucedido, o isolamento da República dos Trabalhadores Russos não teria ocorrido.

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