Monday, November 21, 2011


In Defence of Marxism
  Friday, 11 November 2011 About us     Contact us     Join us  

By Alan Woods

Why an Italian meltdown threatens the world economy. Photo: melingo wagamamaThe Eurozone is passing through the most serious crisis in its entire history. After Greece comes the Italian crisis. This places a big question mark over the future of the euro. We predicted long ago that in a serious crisis all the national contradictions come to the fore, as we now see with the fractious relations between Greece, France, Germany and Italy. The European Union is facing the day of reckoning.

By Marxistiki Foni

Greece: October 26th agreement, coalition government and exit from the euro – Part One. Illustration: LatuffYesterday, the former vice-president of the European Central Bank, Lucas Papademos was named as Greece's new prime minister. He is to lead a national unity government whose task is to implement sever austerity measures and then take the country to elections in February. We are publishing here an analysis by Greek Marxists as to what this means for Greek and European workers.

خورخي مارتن

فاز حزب المحافظين الإسلاميين النهضة بأغلبية المقاعد (90 من أصل 217) في انتخابات الجمعية التأسيسية في تونس، يوم 23 أكتوبر. وقد أصابت هذه النتيجة العديد من اليساريين بالحيرة والارتباك. البعض منهم يقولون إن هذا يمثل ميلا نحو اليمين. بينما يتساءل آخرون كيف يمكن للثورة التونسية أن تنتهي إلى انتصار الجناح اليميني. ويزعم بعض "الحداثيين" أن "الانتخابات كانت سابقة لأوانها".

By Fred Weston

Na Itália sob Mussolini, formalmente falando, havia "sindicatos". Contudo, eram sindicatos atrelados ao Estado, isto é, instrumentos do Estado. Então, não se devem confundir esses "sindicatos" com os sindicatos genuínos. Mesmo assim, os comunistas trabalharam com êxito dentro deles.

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